Growing the membership is a core aim for all not-for-profit organizations, however the task is beset with challenges. 22% or US associations say that identifying or contacting prospects is hard, and 33% say that the ability to segment members or prospects is a further challenge.
Your People are the only AMS solution provider to properly address both these issues. Our built-in Prospector provides direct access to millions of named company contacts in all segments of industry. With nothing more than a few clicks, the contacts can be segmented to filter them to the industries, locations, job roles, and company sizes that best suit your target acquisition audience.
In minutes, targeted mailing or email campaigns can be created that will provide the best possible return on your marketing spend. Existing members are automatically excluded from the new acquisition campaigns, and previous campaigns can be suppressed from new ones.
The combination of the best quality prospect data and our unique Prospector segmentation tool will give your membership staff the best available tools for growing your membership in an efficient, cost effective manner.
Get in touch now to find out more